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Friday, October 28, 2011


Every breath I took was a futile struggle, drowning me in the deep, black sea of heartache. I wanted to melt into myself, to sink into my own inescapable pain. There was no ground beneath me any longer, no anchor to hold me to this world, nothing grasp onto as I fell into this lifeless void, no one to hold onto… not since he had left. My once-steadfast paperweight had torn my heart to shreds as if it were no more than loose-leaf and shoved me into the abyss. His last words echoed into my head, teasing and taunting me like I was a naïve child. I was nothing more than a newborn baby, so inexperienced, who had listened to the sweet serenade of a handsome stranger, had let him hold her and heal her, had taken comfort in his warmth as he flew her to a whole new world, and had fallen so far when she realized the air she danced on was thinner than the tears that cascaded down her face in sorry waterfalls. I tried to scream out, but no one could hear me or the sounds of my voice that ricocheted every which way, echoing inside my head. 

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