"Higher!" the pirate captain howled, "Higher or we'll never make it over Saturn's bloody rings, you bunch a' maggot-spawned, good-for-nothin' dogs!" Vincent Augustine Hemingway the Third, known to his crew as Captain Vince and to the British Navy as The Star Shark, had flown his astral ship, The Good Lady Celeste, since he could sail. While all the other sailors had found themselves comfortable on water, Vince had never had their sea legs. His Pa had told him he was crazy and that "no self-respectin' sailor would be caught dead starin' up at them stars" like Vince did.
"Up, up higher, you swashbuckling morons!" The vessel rose up, just in time to avoid crashing into Saturn's massive, neon rings.
Oohhhhh, Captain Vince? I'm super intrigued LOL! x) I'm a big fan of pirates so I like the sound of this guy! <3
ReplyDeleteI totally agree; pirates are the coolest!