Here is a story I wrote for my best friend for her birthday about a year ago; I thought it'd be fun to share:
What are you doing, robbing a jewelry store in the dead of night?! I thought
you were one of the good guys.” Megan just shrugged; knowing that nothing that
nothing she said would help her. Officer Goodman put handcuffs on Megan and led
her to his car, where she would be taken to jail.
Megan and the Guy who knows a guy who is friends with a guy who knows the guy who is cousins with a guy who knows a guy who thought this title was too long
Chapter One, in which certain beginnings are established, and the statuses of gems of particular value are ascertained
Megan skirted the edge of the
jewelry store, making sure to stay unseen. She was a thief tonight; she could
not be caught or the consequences would not be good. She had to get that stone
back, so that Morgan could have her powers back. She came to a window and
looked inside; it was three o’clock in the morning, so it wasn’t a big surprise
that no one was in there. She tried to open the window, but alas, it was
locked. She dug around in her backpack for something heavy. Finally she found,
something, a bowling ball. She grabbed the massive orb and threw it through the
window, breaking the glass. She hoped that no one had heard the cacophonous
sound of the glass shattering. It would attract unwanted attention. Megan
jumped through the broken window into the jewelry shop, landing with a thud on
the cold, hard stone floor. The shop owners must have lived in the South Pole
for some time, because the shop was freezing cold. Megan’s hands unconsciously
began to warm up, her powers over fire kicking in. She looked down, and sure
enough, her hands were fiercely glowing red. She stuffed them into her jacket
pockets, but they began to burn through the weak material. Anyone who saw them
would know she was here.
she groaned, “there goes my anonymity.” That wasn’t the only problem, though:
it was hard to commit robbery when you had Hey There, Delilah stuck in your head; it just didn’t feel right. She
took a step in the direction of the sales counter, using her hands as
flashlights. She looked inside the diamond-encrusted cases, but didn’t see the
stone. Of course, if I were a jewelry storeowner who had stolen a priceless,
magical stone, then I would probably keep it in the back somewhere, She thought. She made a move toward the backroom, when
the lights in the store suddenly turned on, and she heard sirens outside.
your hands up!” commanded a police officer that was presumably standing right
behind her. Megan regrettably raised her hands, and immediately the police knew
who she was.

Chapter two to come...
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